
发表于 讨论求助 2022-07-10 12:13:48


包括创客西游2.0——“你好,深圳!”的四位英国创客建筑慈善组织AzuKo的创始人和总监Jo Ashbridge、就读伦敦皇家艺术学院攻读产品设计硕士学位Katrine Hesseldahland和Victor、驻于伦敦的西班牙籍研究员和设计师Laura Martinez、清华苑建筑设计公司副总建筑师陈竹、深圳市福田区企创非营利组织发展中心项目总监梁平、Riptide文化传播有限公司项目经理李莎以及其他各行业的领军人物参与。

Before we released the second phase of the Open Source Village workshop in the wechat official account(Doorway). This activity has attracted many domestic and foreign famous intellectual youth including the residents .

 including the guests of Shenzhen Makers@World 2.0—— "Hello,Shenzhen!".They are Jo Ashbridge, the Founder and Director of architecture charity, AzuKo, Katrine Hesseldahl and Victor strimfors,students in Product Design at Royal College of Art in London and  Laura Martinez,Spanish researcher and designer based in,London.And also chinese participants,ChenZhu,Tsinghua Court architectural design company deputy chief architect, Liang Ping,a non - profit organization development center project director, and Li Sha,Project manager of Riptide Culture, etc.


 Introduction of  activity instructor

Jo Ashbridge


 the Founder and Director of AzuKo

Jo Ashbridge是建筑慈善组织AzuKo的创始人和总监,她通过参与式设计的力量来解决世界上最棘手的问题。她从事的项目包括在越南建立以单间为单位的避难所,撰写灾后临时避难所指南以及在南亚研究低收入社区的土制建筑。今年,她还加入了Shelter Global(全球避难所)国际Dencity竞赛的评委团。

Jo Ashbridge is the Founder and Director of AzuKo, an architecture charity that works with disadvantaged communities to improve living conditions. She's been trying to use the way of participatory design to solve the toughest problems in the world. The projects she has been doing includes constructing one room shelters in Vietnam, developing an incremental phased expansion for a hospital in southwest Uganda, authoring guidelines for T-shelters post-disaster and researching earthen architecture in low-income communities across Bangladesh. This year she joined the jury for Shelter Global 2017 (www.shelterglobal.org). 

Jason Hilgefort

2015UABB 学堂非常学院院长

Academic Director of Future+

Dean of 2015 UABB

Jason Hilgefort是UABB 学堂非常学院院长。杰森·希尔杰福特曾在美国辛辛那提大学学习城市规划和设计专业,并在英属哥伦比亚大学攻读建筑硕士学位。他曾在纽约(Ehrenkrantz Eckstut and Kuhn)、洛杉矶(Behnisch Architects)、孟买(Rahul Mehrotra of GSD)等地工作。杰森曾在维也纳举行的第十一届欧洲青年建筑师竞赛上摘获大奖。此外,他还加入了FUR(未来城市区域)项目。同时,他也是是uncube 杂志“建筑设计和其它(architecture and beyond)”专栏的撰稿人。

Jason studied urban planning and design at The University of Cincinnati and architecture at The University of British Columbia – Vancouver. His work experience ranges from New York (Ehrenkrantz Eckstut and Kuhn), to Los Angeles (Behnisch Architekten) to Mumbai (Rahul Mehrotra). From 2000 to 2004 he worked with Sustainable Urbanist and innovator Peter Calthorpe. After joining Maxwan A+U in 2007, he was involved in the ongoing projects Moscow A101, Central District Rotterdam, and Barking Riverside in London. Also, Jason lead a series of Maxwan’s competition victories – in Helsinki, Basel, Kiev, Hannover, Ostrava, Magdeburg, and Kaunas. During that time won Europan 11 in Vienna. Since then he formed Land+Civilization Compositions for investigating issues ranging from daily objects, to infrastructures, to cultural research. He is also a contributor to uncube magazine with writing on ‘architecture and beyond’.


Introduction  of Open Source Village


This time, we continue to approach the Xinguang Village in HuiZhou.



Xinguang Village is located in the northeast of Tonghu Town, Zhongkai hi-tech zone, adjacent to Dongguan and next to Dongjiang River. Xinguang Village Committee is only about 8-minute drive. In Xinguang Village, there are 16 groups in Ziran Village, 3,985 people, workforce of 1,753, immigrant labors of 850, 34 families with 145 people enjoying the minimum living guarantee, 13 families with 15 people enjoying the five guarantees , 38 disabled, farmland of 3000 mu, forest land of 15,300 mu, forest and fruit land of 6,500 mu, water area of 21,300 mu, livestock of 75, average per capita net income of 6,300 of rural residents, 3 specialized farmers cooperatives. 


Ziran Village has been energized, with collective economic income of 53,000 RMB. Apart from cultivation of rice, economic tree species like litchi are also planted. Villagers lease out land to contractors for vegetable cultivation, and they also plant vegetables on farmland. With rich  water resources, some villagers work on freshwater aquaculture with lakes, and breed chicken, ducks and geese by the lake.


Visited the Open source Village


Village committee introduce the village


After getting some basic information from government's and village's official, all the participants are divided into 3 groups and start their own exploration.


(Walking around the old village)


Led by the village's official Mr yang, the group members looked around  village's construction and  facilities.


 (Up to farmland 、orchard、reservoir)


Led by the village's official Mr Liu, the group members looked around  village's  fields, reservoirs and orchards.


( Interview with villagers)


Free visits, talk with villagers.




After all-day research in Xinguang village, everyone was tired and exhausted. Before we went back, we had a short debrief to share everyone's thoughts and insights about the village.

  • 村子建设:

  • 村子建筑古老有特色,但是大多数都已经舍弃了旧房子,住到新楼房。

  • Village construction:

  • The village building has its own style, but most have already been abandoned and people lived in the new building.

  • 文化建设:

  • 村子社区活动比较少,特别是对于小孩子来说。

  • Cultural Construction:

  • Village community activities are relatively less, especially for children.

  • 土地使用情况:

  • 农田大规模种植,农药喷洒严重,味道大,残留物全部堆积在路边;

  • 香蕉种植地由于量产和价格低,大片荒废;

  • 荔枝果园每户家庭基本都有,每年根据收成价格不等。

  • Land use:

  • Large scale planting of farmland, serious pesticide spraying, smells bad, residues all piled up on the roadside;

  • Banana cultivation due to mass production and low prices, large tracts of deserted;

  • Litchi Orchard Each household is basic, depending on the harvest overcome differs each year.

  • 村民期望:

  • 村民期望村子建设能有所改变,同时能够丰富业余文化生活,提高收入。

  • Villagers expect:

  • Villagers expect the village to be able to change, while enriching  cultural life and increasing income.


As for how to solve those problems,Open Source Village Workshop 2.0 will keep on this Sunday to talk about how to refine our design based on 1.0. (Doorway)We will send more post about our on-going events. If you're interested, follow our  wechat official account.



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